Saturday 30 April 2016

Young Wood Pigeon - learning to fly - 4

I have a nest containing two young Wood Pigeons at the back of a large plant container on my terrace.  The plant container is at the edge of the terrace, with the youngsters overlooking the space between my building and next door - with a long drop down to the basement on their side.

After stopping sitting with the babies on a permanent basis, a parent came back every so often in order to feed them.  On Tuesday morning, at about 6.30, a parent was feeding the young.

Parent Wood Pigeon feeding the youngster
These photos were taken from the bathroom window on the floor above the terrace, at an awkward angle, so was difficult to get the birds in the shot.  Parent and youngster can just be seen at the side of the picture.  While feeding was in progress, one of the youngsters was extending its wings.

Flapping wing belonging to one of the young Wood Pigeons
I think I must have disturbed the youngster in my efforts to photograph the feeding progress as, suddenly, there was a great flapping of wings and then it was sitting on top of a canopy on the terrace next door.  It had taken its first flight!

Young Wood Pigeon on canopy next door after its maiden flight
It sat there for a few hours, presumably not knowing what to do next.

Young Wood Pigeon looking confused after making its first flight
Later in the morning, it had obviously decided to return to my terrace and was walking along the top of my wooden railings.  The photograph was taken through the glass in my back door, hence the criss-cross pattern on the picture.

Young Wood Pigeon who has just left the nest for the first time

Wood Pigeon squab on the railing
I went back upstairs and took a few more photographs out of the window above the terrace.  The young Wood Pigeon was walking backwards and forwards along the top of the railings, probably trying to work out how to get back into the nest, while being watched by its sibling, who was probably wondering what its brother or sister was up to.

Young Wood Pigeon after first flight and being watched by sibling in the nest
The brave flying young Wood Pigeon eventually landed on my plant, instead of in the nest!

Young Wood Pigeon attempting to get back into the nest
It eventually found the way back as, later on in the day, both young Wood Pigeons were sitting together in the nest again.

What an exciting day!

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