Thursday 14 April 2016

Heron, blue tit and robin in trees and baby bunnies on the ground in Hyde Park

Yesterday I went on a lovely sunny birthday walk in Hyde Park.  I started off at the Round Pond in Kensington Gardens in the hope of seeing the Egyptian Geese and babies.  I ate a sandwich while sitting on a bench in the sunshine - but there was no sign of the Egyptians during the whole time I was there.  I gave up and walked around the Long Water instead.

The first bird I saw when I reached the lake was a heron perched on a fir tree.

Heron on a fir tree
I walked around to the other side of the Long Water and came across Blue Tits in the trees.  I am a fairly new amateur photographer and have a hard time capturing large birds in trees, let alone small ones that are madly hopping from branch to branch - but did manage to take a picture of one of the Blue Tits.
Blue tit on tree branch
I had better luck with a robin, who posed nicely really near me.

Robin on a branch
Below the birds, in the wooded area, there were some very cute-looking baby bunnies and these were much easier to photograph - due to sitting more-or-less still and being unable to fly!

Paw washing for a baby bunny

Two friendly baby bunnies

Three baby bunnies having a get-together
After a long walk round the whole of the lake, I went back to the Round Pond in order to leave the park and go home and, guess what, the Egyptians and their babies were there - but the photographs will have to go into another post.

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