Saturday 2 April 2016

Strange-looking Canada Goose

I recently went on a birding walk in the Lee Valley Country Park.  Towards the end of the day, on the way back to the railway station, I saw a group of Canada Geese on the lake - or rather, I heard them first.  I took photographs of two of them, mainly because one of them rather caught my eye.  

Canada Geese and friends

The pair looked as though they were together.  One is a normal looking Canada Goose and his/her companion looks like a cross between two different types of goose.  I would welcome any views on what the other one could be.

Canada Goose and strange-looking companion

There was a lot of honking going on - mainly by the strange goose, who was very verbal.  I suppose that made up for it's rather weird appearance.

Albino-looking Canada Goose

Does anybody know what type of goose it is?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry!
    Wrong blog
    Looks similar to the one seen there.
    Has a back like a Greylag but I'm not sure what to make of the head!
    Great blog by the way!

  3. Greylag and Barnacle Goose Hybrid?

  4. The backs of both Greylag and Canada Geese look similar to me. I was beginning to wonder if it was a mixture of the two. Thanks for the idea of Barnacle Goose too. It was swimming around with a group of Canada Geese, but it was the head that caught my eye as it is so strange! And it was making such a noise!! Thank you for the kind comment about my blog. I am new to this and have a lot to learn!!

  5. Did it have tame behaviour?
    If it did it may have been a captive escaped bird from another country.
    I am a very keen twitching 13 year-old, so don't know as much about this as I could!

  6. All I know was that it was with a group of Canada Geese and the one in the photos with it seemed very close. It was making lots of noise. I am a keen older birding person, just new to it, and am learning all the time - and hopefully especially from younger people. Thanks so much for your comments.
