Friday 22 April 2016

Spring blossom and Canada Geese in Battersea Park

I love going for walks in London's parks and, for the first time in years, I recently took myself off for a wander round London's Battersea Park.  I don't remember ever walking round the lake before and it looked lovely with the Spring blossom on the trees.

Canada Geese under a canopy of Spring blossom on the trees
A couple of Canada Geese were slowly swimming around near the bank and occasionally nibbling on the greenery at the edge of the water.

Canada Geese and Spring blossom
I loved the patterns in the water and the reflections of the Canada Geese.

Canada Goose with reflection behind the shrubbery
The geese were having a gentle swim and trying to find some tasty shoots to eat.

2 Canada Geese hiding behind the Spring shoots
I stayed for a while watching them and taking photographs.

Canada Goose with it's reflection in the water and berries on land
I then walked further round the lake and got a different view of the Geese, greenery, berries and blossom - it looked so pretty.

2 Canada Geese with greenery, berries and blossom on the trees
The geese were then joined by 2 Mallards - drake and duck - who were also enjoying the Spring.

Canada Geese, Mallards and Spring blossom
In the future I will definitely have to go for some more walks in Battersea Park.

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