Friday 29 April 2016

Progress of the young Wood Pigeons in the nest on my terrace - 3

I have been trying to avoid going outside onto my terrace at the back of the flat to avoid disturbing the nesting Wood Pigeons.  However, I have needed to water my plants and went out there last Sunday.  I was able to take some photographs of the progress of the two babies - not really babies any more, of course, as they are now a few weeks old.

2 young Wood Pigeons in nest at the back of my large plant container
There are a couple of plant pots full of tall leaves in front of the nest, so I had to put my hand onto the leaves and push them out of the way to get a view of the youngsters - who were not too keen on this invasion of their privacy.

Wood Pigeon squab on nest behind the leaves
The young Wood Pigeon was staring at me and hoping I would leave it in peace.

Wood Pigeon youngster giving me the beady eye
I took a few photographs on the terrace and then went upstairs and opened the bathroom window on the floor above.  Below is a view from the window, with a youngster hanging out of the nest on the right hand side of the wooden railing and still staring at me with a beady eye.  The nest is on the edge of the terrace and there is an open space that goes down 2 floors between my building and the one next door.
Young Wood Pigeon hiding behind the greenery on my terrace.

Close up of the young Wood Pigeon on the nest - photo taken from above
Every so often, a parent would come and feed them - perching on a neighbouring railing before flying over to the nest.

Wood Pigeon parent waiting to fly over and feed it's youngsters

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