Wednesday 20 April 2016

Egyptian Goose mum protects her babies from the humans

Last week I spent some time towards the end of the day watching an Egyptian Goose family in Kensington Gardens.

Dad was around when I first saw them, but then swam off leaving mum alone with four little cute goslings.  Below is a photograph showing just three of the babies, as the other one declined to co-operate in a group photo.

Three Egyptian goslings under mum goose's tummy
I stood some way back from the family, as I did not want to disturb them.  But then, some women and their children came along and, unwisely, the mothers let their children get near to the Egyptians.  Mum Egyptian immediately got her babies under cover - well, under her actually!

Mother Egyptian Goose hiding her four little goslings
Some people have no sense!  How would those mothers have liked it it some Giants had come along and wanted to touch their children?  

Goslings coming out from under the protective cover of female Egyptian Goose's body
The humans were still trying to touch the Egyptians, so there was no choice but to take to the water - even though the family had just taken ages preening their feathers and getting dry.
Egyptian Goose mum and 4 goslings getting ready for another dip in the water
So it was compulsory swimming time again for the family.

Egyptian Goose and babies take a swim

Egyptian Goose and goslings - 3 in a line and 1 needs to catch up!

Egyptian Goose mum with close formation of youngsters
Mum Egyptian did not force the babies to swim around for too long and was soon back on dry land - a little further away from the people who disturbed them.

Egyptian Goose mum on bank while her goslings start eating again along the edge of the pond
The people who had caused the extra swimming class then went away and mum and babies waddled back to their original location, did some more preening and drying off and then settled down again.

Mum Egyptian Goose having a rest with her 4 babies at her side
I do hope that they did not have to go swimming again that evening!

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