Sunday 17 April 2016

Wood Pigeon nest on my roof terrace - update - 2

I have not been out onto my terrace for a week since seeing a Wood Pigeon nest at the back of one of my larger containers.  It held 2 youngsters and the parent birds have been taking it in turn to sit with them.  I put photos on an earlier blog.

I just got back from a weekend away and, on inspecting the nest from a distance (out of my bathroom window on the floor above the terrace), I saw that the youngsters were on their own.  I got my camera and nipped quickly out on the terrace to find out how they had grown.

2 young Wood Pigeons at the back of a large plant container
You can see that the one at the back is larger than the one nearer the front of the photograph.

The larger baby Wood Pigeon is slightly puffed-up
When I put my hand through the leaves in the plant pot in front of the youngsters, the larger baby at the back tried to sit up and pumped out its chest.

In my first photos, shown in an earlier blog, the birds did not look as though they had feathers at all.  You can see that they now do have feathers and that the chest feathers on both of them are rusty-coloured - so they are quickly growing up and beginning to look similar to their parents.

I just looked out of the bathroom window again and it seems as though a parent bird is now back with the youngsters.

I do not really like having a Wood Pigeon nest on my terrace - but I am fascinated by it!

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