Tuesday 5 April 2016

Black swan with mute swan partner in Hyde Park - London wildlife

Yesterday afternoon I went for a walk in Hyde Park.  I was there later than planned, around 4.00 pm, and the light was not great.  I saw a couple of swans swimming across the lake behind one-another. 
In the lead was a black swan and, following, was a young mute swan.  The black swan swam towards the nest beds by the cafe and inspected it's nest while the mute swan continued on to the other side of the lake.

Young mute swan

Black swan swimming to inspect it's nest
Not long afterwards it started raining and I almost decided to go home.  As I had not been there very long, I decided to continue my walk - which got to be very soggy.  I walked along one side of the lake and crossed over the bridge to go back along the other side.  The two swans - black and young mute - were swimming along together now and, as the rain stopped, I could get my camera out again.  At times they did some synchronised swimming.

Young mute swan with partner black swan
Then they tried to ignore one another.

Black and mute swan - do I know you?

Black swan following mute swan
Then it was back to synchronisation.

Black swan and mute swan in synchronisation
Eventually it started pouring again and the swans were off - though I don't suppose the weather makes any difference to them.

Black swan and mute swan in the rain

After that, at about 6 pm, the rain stopped and the sun came out - but the swans had gone!

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