Saturday 30 April 2016

Green parakeets - are they kissing?

I love visiting the London Wetland Centre in Barnes, where there are some fairly exotic captive birds and also lots of visitors that fly in from far and wild - or not so far.
I last visited on a cold and cloudy March day.  Just before the centre closed, when I was leaving, I was treated to what looked like a courting display from the two green ring-necked parakeets that are on the right-hand side of the bare-branched tree in the photo below.  As you can see, the light level was not good and I have not yet got to grips with the settings on my camera - having only recently started taking photos of birds and nature.
Paraqueets 4
They were sitting a short distance apart on the branch, then they leant over and appeared to be kissing!
Paraqueets 2Paraqueets 3
They parted company:
Paraqueets 5
and then they were back at it!
Paraqueets 6
This is the view from the other side of the tree:
Paraqueets 7
More kissing!
Paraqueets 8
Well, I suppose it shows us that this was Spring - whatever the temperature!

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