Tuesday 19 April 2016

Egyptian Geese and their babies - at last!

After a long birthday walk in the sunshine round the Long Water and Serpentine in Hyde Park last week, I trudged wearily back to the Round Pond in Kensington Gardens to see if I could spot the Egyptian Geese and their 4 youngsters that were supposed to be living there.  I had looked for them when I first entered the park at lunch-time and they were nowhere to be seen.  By now it was latish and by then, the sun had disappeared and there was the threat of a shower - but I was in luck.

Egyptian Goose with 3 babies
Egyptian Gosling eating at the water's edge
Mum was surrounded by three of her youngsters, while the fourth was more interested in looking for food in the water near dad.

Male Egyptian Goose - dad
After it had tired of eating, the youngster swam around in the water for a while.

Egyptian gosling having a little swim
Then it decided to join its siblings and mum on the bank.

Mum Egyptian Goose with four goslings
They all had a jolly time preening themselves, with mum having a well-earned sit-down.

4 Egyptian goslings
Don't the babies look gorgeous?

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