Wednesday 1 June 2016

White Egret paddling in Rainham Marshes

On Monday, at the same time I saw the Redshanks (photos in another of my posts), I was also excited to see a White Egret at Rainham Marshes.  It was in the water and quite a long way from where I was standing in the hide, but it shows up better than I expected when I took the photograph.

White Egret wading at Rainham Marshes
It was enjoying a paddle in the cold windy weather.  I love the long white feather sticking out from the back of it's head.

White Egret having a paddle
A swan was standing nearby and, in the photograph below, you can see how it dwarfs the Egret.  I think it must be a Little Egret.

Large Mute swan and tiny White Egret
When the Egret took flight, I realised that there must have been another one nearby as there are two of them in my photograph.  Another first for me - two birds in flight that are actually in my photo, even though neither of them are very clear.

White Egrets in flight
One of the Egrets landed further away, though it could still be seen through the window of the hide.

White Egret in the distance
What gorgeous water birds.

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