Tuesday 31 May 2016

Redshanks at Rainham Marshes

Yesterday I went with a couple of friends to Rainham Marshes, an RSPB nature reserve in Essex. It was cold and very windy.

At the far end of the reserve, there is a large hide with big windows. I managed to warm up while in there - more from the excitement from what I saw through the windows rather than from being away from the wind.  Redshanks!  I love Redshanks.

The first one I saw was standing on the bank among the reeds at the far side of the water.

Redshank standing among the reeds
A couple of them were chirping away and flying around in front of us. One landed on a post that was not far away from the window. It must have known that I wanted to see it because it was looking the other way and presented me with it's back view.

Redshank looking at the reeds
 Then it decided to be very well behaved and turned round, so that I could see it's lovely face.

Redshank on a post
Below is my abysmal attempt at photographing a Redshank in flight!  Well, at least it is in the photograph, which is a first for me.

Redshank in flight

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