Tuesday 21 June 2016

Grebelets riding piggy-back on Great Crested Grebe

Another day, another London park!  This time I went to Regents Park where there is a very large lake and there are always lots of waterbirds.

One of my aims is to get a good photograph of a Great Crested Grebe.  They seem to me to always be in the centre of the water and a great distance away.  I try photographing them anyway, regardless, in the hope that something might turn out to be OK - or, at least, interesting.  This time, for me, I got interesting!  Three little stripey Grebelets are riding on the back of an adult.

Coot following Great Crested Grebe with 3 chicks riding on it's back
There is also a Coot swimming behind the Great Crested Grebe, but I was not interested in it at all.  I was thrilled to see the babies when I downloaded my photos onto the computer.  At first, I thought there were 2 chicks having a piggy-back ride but, when I cropped the picture further, I realised that there were 3 little stripey heads.

Great Crested Grebe with 3 chicks having a piggy-back
To say I was thrilled is a bit of an understatement.  Next time though, I would like the Grebe to swim nearer to the shore.

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