Tuesday 10 May 2016

Goslings enjoying a swim with their Greylag and White Goose parents

At the beginning of May I went on a walk with friends along the Thames path, starting along the river bank in Oxford.  We stopped for refreshments at the Isis Farmhouse in Illfley and, while sitting outside in the sunshine, managed to take some photographs of 7 little goslings with their Greylag and White Goose parents.  The Greylag below looks as though it is telling the White Goose off!
Greylag and White Goose with their 7 Goslings
The goslings were having a great time swimming around and splashing in the water, with the White Goose keeping an eye on them and the Greylag staring into the distance.
Goslings splashing around near White and Greylag Goose parents
There were two families of Geese swimming around in front of a group of mainly White Geese that were standing on the river bank - both had 7 babies each.  The Greylag goslings appear to be a bit larger than the Greylag/White Goose babies.
Two Goose families, both with 7 goslings each, near group of White Geese on the Thames
The Greylag goslings clambered up onto the bank, while the Greylag/White Geese and their goslings were still enjoying a swim.
2 Greylag and White Geese families/goslings in the water
They continued swimming around for a while.
White Goose, Greylag Goose and group of goslings
The White Goose had a good splash around in the water and was flapping it's wings, while the group of Gosling were following - though the one at the back is going the wrong way!
White Goose splashing around in the water with 6 goslings following and 1 going the wrong way
The White Goose enjoyed a great bath with the goslings now right behind, also splashing around in the water.
The White Goose is having a good wash and so are the goslings

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