Wednesday 25 May 2016

Swan and 6 cygnets swim in lake at St. James's Park

On one of the islands in St. James's Park there was a Mute Swan sitting on a large nest.  I thought that she was sitting on eggs.

Mute swan sitting on her nest
 In fact, as 3 cygnets suddenly popped up from under her body, I realised that she was patiently keeping her babies warm.

3 cygnets suddenly appear from under mum's body
 It was time for a swim, dinner and a drink.

Mute Swan with 6 small cygnets
 I was watching from the pathway round the lake, which was looking very pretty with greenery and spring flowers.
Mute Swan mother and babies on the lake
 Mum swan has a long piece of vegetation in her beak.

Mute swan pen eating vegetation with her cygnets
 While they were on the water, a Mallard family with lots of ducklings swam quickly past.  Only one duckling is in this photograph.

Mute swan pen, cygnets, female Mallard and a duckling
 The swan and cygnets swam around for a while.  In this photograph, one of the cygnets is failing to keep up.
Mute swan with 5 cygnets by her body and 1 lagging behind
 It is very colourful in the park at the moment and the sun was momentarily shining.

Mute swan, cygnets, Mallard and other ducks
 Then it was time to head back home.
Mute Swan Pen and her cygnets
The mute swan has a neighbour - a black swan is sitting on a nest on the other side of the tree stump to her nest.  She was no doubt noting what she has to look forward to - assuming that she is sitting on eggs and that they hatch successfully.

Mute swan and cygnets going home past their neighbour black swan's nest

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