Saturday 20 July 2024

Birds, flowers and the coastal landscape during my first evening and next morning's wander around and near Berwick Holiday Park - 14th/15th June 2024

I arrived in Berwick-upon-Tweed on Friday afternoon and, after I had settled into the mobile home and had something to eat, I went for a walk along the coastal path at the edge of the park.

Some people were lucky enough to afford to be positioned on the cliff-top with a view of the sea

A Rock Pipit was perching on the fence and singing so much that it did not notice me!

Berwick-upon-Tweed lighthouse, situated at the end of a stone pier, viewed from the top of the cliffs

The holiday park perched on the cliffs

Two Common Mergansers in the foreground and, in the far distance, the white triangular shape of the Emmanuel Head Daymark at the end of Holy Island

Closer view of the lighthouse

Male Pied Wagtail on the beach

For a moment, a distant fishing boat was lit up by the late evening sun

Cornflowers growing near the holiday park - seen during a walk into Berwick-upon-Tweed the next morning

I love Foxgloves - growing in the same area on the way into town

Male Pheasant checking out which mobile home he should choose!

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