Tuesday 30 April 2024

Birding walk round part of Pagham Harbour and Pagham beach, plus houses and Pagham church - 24th March 2024

Towards the end of March I was staying at Church Farm Holiday Park in Pagham for a week.  On Sunday I decided to go for a walk along the North Wall at Pagham Harbour nature reserve.
This lovely house with a thatched roof was at the end of the lane that led to the nature reserve

It was low tide and there were several Redshanks in the distance

Tranquil reedbeds along the edge of the reserve

Three Little Egrets waddling around in a flooded field

This lovely dog followed me for a little while along the path on the North Wall

Large building viewed from the North Wall across the flooded fields

Three Roe deer disturbed a Grey Heron as they ran along the edge of a flooded field

Houses and church in the distance as I walked back to Pagham along the edge of the nature reserve

The tide had come in during my walk

Pony with star-covered coat in a field near the entrance to the nature reserve

A Jackdaw flew past the light-coloured horse just as I was taking a photograph

Tree Sparrow on feeder outside a house on Church Lane

Tree Sparrows on top of the hedge on Church Lane

Cute chocolate box thatched cottage opposite the church

Pagham church

I then walked to Pagham beach where I saw a group of Eider ducks

A Little Egret was standing in shallow water as I walked back to Church Farm Holiday Park

A Curlew was wandering around the marshy land

Great  Crested Grebe swimming on the lagoon at the edge of the holiday park

Later in the day, at the beginning of sunset, I wandered along to the edge of the nature reserve

Curlew looking for supper at sunset


Wednesday 24 April 2024

Visit to RSPB Pagham Harbour and Chichester - 23rd March 2024

On Saturday morning I went by bus from Pagham to Chichester and then by another bus from Chichester to the bus stop near RSPB Pagham Harbour visitor centre just outside Selsey. 

I saw a male Pheasant and Chaffinch while on the way to the bird hide at Ferry Pool

A Little Egret was standing in the mud at the edge of Ferry Pool at low tide

There was an Avocet in the water not far away from the Little Egret

Black-tailed Godwits and Avocets at Ferry Pool

It absolutely poured with rain while I was at the bird hide opposite Ferry Pool, so I decided to give up on my visit to Pagham Harbour.  Fortunately, it stopped raining during the time I was waiting at the bus stop.  I went back to Chichester and the sun came out - for a short while!

I wandered round the outside of Chichester cathedral

I just loved these gargoyles!

Sundial on the outside wall of the cathedral

It started raining again while I was exploring the area round the cathedral, so I ended up in the shopping area buying some supplies from M&S and also a pair of much-needed wellies!! 

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Birds at Church Farm Holiday Park and Pagham Harbour - 22nd March 2024

I arrived at Church Farm Holiday Park in Pagham for a week's holiday at lunchtime on 22nd March, which was a very overcast day.  I was too early to check into my mobile home so I wandered round the site and Pagham Lagoon for a couple of hours.

They looked very nice, but I could not afford to stay in a mobile home at the edge of the lagoon!

Strange-coloured Mallard drake on the lagoon

I think that this was meant to be a footpath at the edge of the lagoon

Pair of Great Crested Grebes

Another view of the mobile homes at the edge of the water

Curlew at low tide in Pagham Harbour nature reserve at the edge of the holiday park

Pintail duck and Godwit at low tide - before it started to rain!

Blackthorn blossom at the edge of the nature reserve