Thursday 11 April 2024

Birds at Cley Marshes nature reserve during the afternoon on 8th March 2024

After a very windy morning walk along the cliff path from Weybourne to Sheringham on the North Norfolk coast, I went by bus to Cley Marshes nature reserve for a few hours in the afternoon.

A pair of Godwits were fighting in front of the Bishop's hide

Some Shovelers and other birds were flying around above the lagoon

A Snipe inadvertently got too close to the bird hide - it quickly scuttled away!

There were lots of Wigeon on one of the lagoons

A couple of Avocet decided to fly away from the small group in the water

Tranquil scene of the stream between reedbeds

I went to Weybourne in the hope of seeing some Snow Buntings. I couldn't find them, but I did find a Snow Bunting in the cafe at Cley!!


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