Wednesday 24 April 2024

Visit to RSPB Pagham Harbour and Chichester - 23rd March 2024

On Saturday morning I went by bus from Pagham to Chichester and then by another bus from Chichester to the bus stop near RSPB Pagham Harbour visitor centre just outside Selsey. 

I saw a male Pheasant and Chaffinch while on the way to the bird hide at Ferry Pool

A Little Egret was standing in the mud at the edge of Ferry Pool at low tide

There was an Avocet in the water not far away from the Little Egret

Black-tailed Godwits and Avocets at Ferry Pool

It absolutely poured with rain while I was at the bird hide opposite Ferry Pool, so I decided to give up on my visit to Pagham Harbour.  Fortunately, it stopped raining during the time I was waiting at the bus stop.  I went back to Chichester and the sun came out - for a short while!

I wandered round the outside of Chichester cathedral

I just loved these gargoyles!

Sundial on the outside wall of the cathedral

It started raining again while I was exploring the area round the cathedral, so I ended up in the shopping area buying some supplies from M&S and also a pair of much-needed wellies!! 

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