Saturday 29 June 2024

Birds, wildlife, lighthouses and lovely scenery during a walk along the cliffs from Thornwick Bay to Flamborough Head - 20th May 2024

On Monday morning I set off for a walk along the cliffs from Thornwick Bay to Flamborough Head.

Couple of Razorbills on the side of the cliff

View from the top of the cliff

I came across a fuzzy caterpillar on the path

The Drinking Dinosaur at Flamborough Head

Relaxed upside-down seal at Flamborough Head

The newest Lighthouse at Flamborugh Head

Beautiful wild roses growing on the cliffs

Distant view of the newest Lighthouse

The oldest Lighthouse at Flamborough Head

Both newest and oldest Lighthouses

Many Kittiwakes were nesting on the cliff face

There was a broken egg on the cliff path

Puffins and Razorbills on the cliff at Breil Nook

Male Pheasant and Meadow Buttercups in a field at North Landing

Skylark in a field at North Landing

Swallow on the ground at the edge of the holiday park in Thornwick Bay

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