Thursday 13 June 2024

Another birding visit to Walthamstow Wetlands on 29th April 2024

I had a such great time during my previous visit to Walthamstow Wetlands a few days before that I decided to go there again on 29th April with the hope of seeing the Black-necked Grebes once more.

There was a lone Sandpiper at the edge of a reservoir

A couple of Starlings were looking for food

A Ladybird was crawling around in the vegetation as I stopped to eat a sandwich

and then the summer plumaged Black-necked Grebes appeared again!  I was so happy!

Further round the reservoir two pairs of Tufted ducks were resting at the edge of the water

Six Common Terns were standing at the edge of the reservoir

A Great Crested Grebe was getting blown around in the wind

General view of Lockwood reservoir

Greylag geese led their goslings away from me!

On the other side of the Wetlands a pair of Great Crested Grebes were riding out the choppy waves

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