Wednesday 26 June 2024

Birding walk round Rainham Marshes - 8th May 2024

 I travelled by train to Purfleet and then walked to Rainham Marshes along the road and Thames path.

A Goldfinch was having a bath in a large puddle just outside the visitor centre

A Lapwing was standing on the shore

Two Shelducks were in the shallow water at the edge of the river

My first (and only) photograph of a blurry distant Cuckoo!

Cruise liner heading for London

Common Whitethroat on blossom (in the reserve and viewed from the Thames path)

Avocets marching along the riverbed at low tide

Dunnock with wild rose

Inside the nature reserve, cows were blocking the view from the Purfleet hide

Male Shoveler duck

Female Shoveler duck

Pair of Shovelers

Shoveler drake on the move

Shoveler drake putting on a show of head bobbing and following the female

Great-crested Grebe with a small fish

Two Common Pochard drakes

Pair of Canada geese with young goslings

Hovering Kestrel

House Sparrow on the roof of the Purfleet hide

Pair of nesting Great-crested Grebes in front of the Purfleet hide

Little Grebe

Redshank on its own

then joined by its partner!!

Whimbrel or Curlew - I'm not sure!

Marsh Frog

Reed Bunting

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