Thursday 27 June 2024

Birds and wildlife in Thornwick Bay and Danes Dyke, East Yorkshire - 17th and 18th May 2024

 I visited East Yorkshire in the middle of May - spending a week at Thornwick Bay Holiday Park.  I walked round part of the holiday park on the afternoon of my arrival where I saw the following birds.

Blackbird amongst the daisies by the fishing lake

Flowers along the edge of the lake on a misty afternoon

Pair of nesting Mute Swans at the edge of the lake

Singing Goldfinch at the top of a hedge

Orange Tip butterfly at Thornwick Pools

Mum Mallard and lots of tiny ducklings in front of the bird hide in Thornwick Pools

Arguing Pied Wagtails

Stonechat amongst greenery

The next day I went by bus to Danes Dyke and wandered around in the woodland

and then down to the beach

A horse was waiting to play football in a field at the edge of the footpath to Flamborough Village

A goat was taking a rest at the edge of the field

A Pied Wagtail was perching in a tree back at the holiday park

A white duck was sitting with some friends at the edge of the fishing lake

Male Chaffinch at the top of a pine bush

Chiffchaff on twig just outside the holiday park

Deer feature at the end of the lake

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