Sunday 30 June 2024

Birds at Bempton Cliffs and walk back to Thornwick Bay along foggy cliffs - 21st May 2024

This time I went by bus to Bridlington and then train to Bempton.  I walked along Cliff Road to the RSPB nature reserve as it was slightly easier than the walk from Thornwick Bay along the cliffs.

The first bird I saw was a male Pheasant in long grass at the edge of the woodland path

The Pheasant moved into a field and started eating whatever was on the soil!

I liked the pretty Pink Campion flowers that were all around the reserve

A Puffin was standing inside a dark cave towards the bottom of a cliff

Pair of Fulmars cuddling up together on the cliff

It was still windy and the Northern Gannets were slowly coasting along the cliffs

Puffin sitting in the middle of two pairs of Razorbills

Three Puffins were standing on another part of the rocky cliffs

More Gannets were flying along the edge of the cliffs

A Meadow Pipit stared at me from the top of a post

Three Puffins were standing on the lower part of the cliff as I began by walk back to Thornwick Bay

Sea fret was rolling in and covering the view of the cliffs

Three Fulmars were sitting on the cliff in the mist

The Fulmars are towards the top right, just below the grass on top of the cliff

Young Gannet flying in the mist

There was a break in the mist and I clearly saw a Puffin

The sea fret started to thicken and obscured my view of the fields at the back of the Campion flowers

Meadow Pipit in the mist

Mist-covered Puffins

Another misty Meadow Pipit perching on the end of a thin twig

I could hardly see the mobile homes in Thornwick Bay Holiday Park - my destination!

Saturday 29 June 2024

Birds, wildlife, lighthouses and lovely scenery during a walk along the cliffs from Thornwick Bay to Flamborough Head - 20th May 2024

On Monday morning I set off for a walk along the cliffs from Thornwick Bay to Flamborough Head.

Couple of Razorbills on the side of the cliff

View from the top of the cliff

I came across a fuzzy caterpillar on the path

The Drinking Dinosaur at Flamborough Head

Relaxed upside-down seal at Flamborough Head

The newest Lighthouse at Flamborugh Head

Beautiful wild roses growing on the cliffs

Distant view of the newest Lighthouse

The oldest Lighthouse at Flamborough Head

Both newest and oldest Lighthouses

Many Kittiwakes were nesting on the cliff face

There was a broken egg on the cliff path

Puffins and Razorbills on the cliff at Breil Nook

Male Pheasant and Meadow Buttercups in a field at North Landing

Skylark in a field at North Landing

Swallow on the ground at the edge of the holiday park in Thornwick Bay

Friday 28 June 2024

Birds, including Puffins, Razorbills, Gannets and Guillemots, Meadow Pipit and Siskin, seen during a walk along the cliffs from Thornwick Bay to Bempton Cliffs on 19th May 2024

 I was staying at Thornwick Bay Holiday Park so, on Sunday, I decided to walk along the cliffs to Bempon Cliffs nature reserve.

Before I set out, I photographed a pretty clump of Pink Campion at the edge of the holiday park

A Meadow Pipit was sitting on a wire near the flowers

A pair of Razorbills were perching on the side of the cliff

A Pied Wagtail was standing on a post

A Puffin watched me from a lower part of the cliff

Several Puffins and Razorbills were perching and flying at Bempton Cliffs

Another Meadow Pipit perched on a plant

Northern Gannet in bullet-like pose as it flew along the edge of the cliffs

There were lots of Gannets perched on the edge of the cliffs

or riding the strong winds

Guillemots were also perching on the edge of the cliff

I was lucky enough to get a photograph of a Barn Owl in flight

A Siskin was picking up dandelion seed at the edge of the woodland path

Another Puffin on the cliff

and a Guillemot

A pair of canoodling Gannets amongst the group

Puffin, Guillemot and Kittiwake vying for space on the cliff

Rear view of a sitting Puffin

More Northern Gannets riding the wind above the flowers at the edge of the cliff

A pair of Gannets fighting as well as flying!

Love is in the air!

Tree Sparrows near the visitor centre at Bempton Cliffs

Lambs in a field on my way back to the holiday park

A Guillemot brightened up the long walk back along the edge of the cliffs

The holiday park was in sight after a very long walk to and from Bempton Cliffs

Two lighthouses at Flamborough Head in the distance