Saturday 19 January 2019

Wildlife walk in Hyde Park - mid January 2019

Yesterday, on a cold bright day, my camera took me out for another walk around Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens on a wildlife hunt.

Two Grey Squirrels pressed themselves flat along the trunk of a tree in the rose garden, hoping that I would not be able to see them.  It always amazes me as to how they can hang on like that!

Two naughty Green Rose-ringed Parakeets were on a bird feeder that is meant for the tiny birds in the park, while a third was sitting in the branches of a nearby shrub and waiting for his pals to move on.

From time-to-time the parakeets vacated the feeder - giving this Great Tit a chance to get near the food.

 Then it was time for a couple of Blue Tits to have a go before the cheeky Parakeets returned.

Snowdrops had started to flower in the grass in the Dell.

A tiny Blue Tit was sitting in a bowl inside a bird feeder that was hanging from a tree in the Dell.  It looked as though it had been imprisoned!

A heron was surveying the park from a great height - from the top of a tall bare-branched tree in the Dell.

A pair of handsome Gadwalls were swimming in the Serpentine.

A Mute swan was looking very strange as it put it's head underwater while gathering up whatever swans eat from the lake.

This is the same swan as it posed between bouts of underwater feeding.

A Great Crested Grebe in winter plumage was floating on the lake near the Lido cafĂ©.  One foot was raised and there appeared to be an injury to it - having a slight cut at the end.

This did not unduly bother the bird, which was preening it's feathers while I was watching it.

These photographs are from a section of my walk around the park.  I hope to post the remaining pictures in the near future.

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