Thursday 17 January 2019

Birds and bridges - Battersea Park and the Thames - January 2019

An early January walk in Battersea Park with my camera on a vey overcast day resulted in the following photographs:

A male blackbird hopping around in the dead leaves at the base of a bare-branched tree

Two male Tufted ducks swimming around in the lake

A pair of Northern Shoveler ducks - with the female in head-bobbing mode

A tall bare-branched tree at the edge of the lake with Cormorants sitting in the branches

There was a heron towards the top of another nearby tall tree

Gulls, swans and ducks headed towards the footpath in order to be fed by a small group of people that had gathered there.  Chimneys and cranes belonging to Battersea Power Station can be seen behind the modern flats in the background.

A Heron was perching on iron railings at the edge of the lake and more Cormorants or Herons were perching at the top of another tall tree in the distance.

A Magpie showed me his/her beautiful blue feathers as I walked behind along the gravel path.

Where have all the people gone?  It was a very dull day and hardly anyone was in the park.

Catkins hung from one of the trees at the edge of the lake.

A Magpie perched for a moment on the branch of a Jacaranda tree.

A heron with a twig in it's beak flew up above it's nest at the top of the Heronry.

There were several nests in the Heronry and this one was occupied by a pair of Herons.

Heron's nests at the top of a couple of tall trees at the edge of the lake.

Two ducks took off from the lake and flew across the colourless sky.

At the end of my walk round the lake, I walked along the Thames at the edge of Battersea Park.  The lights were by then shining on Battersea Bridge.

Chelsea Bridge was also lit up.  The Shard was sticking out of the top of the tall building on the left.

A red London bus crossed Chelsea Bridge in front of the Shard.

The railway bridge and Vauxhall Tower could be seen from the other side of Chelsea Bridge.  The new American Embassy, with lights blazing, is on the right-hand side of the photograph.

I had a lovely walk around the lake in Battersea Park and along the nearby Thames path, but I would have preferred a brighter day weather-wise!

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