Thursday 2 May 2024

Birdwatching at Ferry Pool and Church Norton - Pagham Harbour Nature Reserve - 25th March 2024

Monday was a better day weatherwise, so I went by bus from Pagham to Chichester and then from Chichester to RSPB Pagham Harbour Visitor Centre for the second time within a few days.  Fortunately, it was not raining this time!  I then walked from the Visitor Centre to Ferry Pool.

Avocets in Ferry Pool at low tide

The bird hide is on the opposite side of the road to Ferry Pool, so I had to watch out for traffic!

From Ferry Pool I walked along a footpath to Church Norton, which was over a mile away

Pretty Blackthorn blossom at the side of the path helped me on the walk

There were hardly any birds in the lagoon - just a few Black-headed gulls

Pagham church spire in the distance on the other side of the nature reserve

Two Oystercatchers and a row of Turnstones were standing on a sloping platform in the water at Church Norton.  Church Farm Holiday Park, where I was staying, was in the distance - only problem was there wasn't a bridge I could walk across in order to get back there!

Close view of an Oystercatcher at the edge of the lagoon

The shingle of Church Norton Spit facing the distant shingle of Pagham Spit

I was greatly cheered by a view of a distant male Wheatear on Church Norton Spit

On the way back I sat for a little while in the Church Norton bird hide from where I saw a Little Egret

A Curlew helped me on the walk back to the Visitor Centre

Pretty Blackthorn and Gorse bushes at the edge of the path


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