Tuesday 19 March 2024

Birds seen at Cley Marshes nature reserve on 5th March 2024

It was drizzling in the morning during my second day on the North Norfolk coast, so I headed for Cley Marshes nature reserve where there are several bird hides in which to shelter.

There was a group of Avocets relaxing in the lagoon in front of one of the hides

After I left the hide, the birds were up in the air as they had been disturbed by a Marsh Harrier

A Redshank was wandering around one of the little islands in the lagoon

Then it decided it was time for a nap!

Here's another flight from a Marsh Harrier

Avocet with reflection viewed from the path along the East side of the reserve

Couple of male Shovelers passed one another on the lagoon

One decided to fly away

A group of Shovelers decided it was time to move on too

A Male Wigeon was having a bath

Group of Wigeon in front of one of the other bird hides

Pair of Shelducks looking very graceful

Mute Swan leaving the lagoon while another still remains in the distance

Lapwing flapping a large wing

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