Thursday 8 March 2018

Wildlife on a cold March day in the park

Last Sunday I went with my camera for a walk in London's St. James's Park.  I have already posted some photographs of birds on the ice and hiding in daffodils from that walk.  Now I am posting photographs of wildlife seen on the rest of the walk round the lake.

I am very fond of the eight black swans that now live in the park and always make a point of trying to find them.  I saw this lovely creature standing in the mud at the side of an iced-over part of the lake.  It looked a bit annoyed in this picture as the near-by tourist was throwing food to other birds at the time.

It stared at me in disbelief as I was only photographing it and not attempting to feed it.

Round the corner I came across a group of young frisky squirrels that were running about all over the place.  This one had a very raggedy tail.

One of the other young squirrels scampered up a tree and decided to sit for a moment in a modelling pose.

Further round the lake there was another black swan - this time in angry mode with it's feathers all ruffled up.

Round here there was a group of five or six of the black swans, but they would not agree to pose all together in a place with enough light for a group photograph.  It was a very overcast, dull and cold day and it had been raining earlier on in the morning.

The angry black swan stayed angry and then swam off in a huff.   It's feathers made an amazing pattern.

One of the black swans always hangs around with a pair of mute swans.  Here it is swimming over to join one of the pair.  It was not made very welcome, so ended up having to leave them alone!

A coot was sitting on a nest under a tree on the ice-covered water.

Swimming along with the other ducks in the unfrozen area of the lake was a rather dark-coloured female mallard.

There was a group of three white Ross's geese on the grass at the other end of the lake.

I rather liked the amazing pattern of feathers on the back of this preening Greylag goose.

Three members of the hybrid Greylag/Bar-headed goose family were marching in line along the grass.

A Gadwall couple had come onto the grass to look for food.

Four Red-breasted and two Barnacle geese were also foraging for food in the grass.

So were two Widgeon drakes - with the icy water of the lake seen behind them.

A couple of Cormorants were standing on a fallen branch near the island in the centre of the lake.

A Pintail drake was wandering around on the muddy land.

A Hooded Merganser drake was swimming in the cold water.

A Bahama Pintail looked as though it was standing in the icy wasteland of Siberia.

A female Pochard looked like a sleepy statue stuck in the melting ice.

A female Hooded Merganser was having a bad hair day on the ice.  A Pochard drake came swimming towards me.

Another Bahama Pintail was on the ice in front of a male Smew and Tufted duck.

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