Saturday 31 March 2018

Birds and a naughty squirrel in Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens

During a recent walk with my camera in Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, I took photographs of some of the birds that I saw on the lake.

This is a close-up of the top part of a black-headed gull, which has speckled feathers on it's face.

I love this Red-Crested Pochard drake - he has an amazing hair style and great-coloured red eyes and beak.

He was rather a naughty Red-Crested Pochard as he was hanging around this female Mallard.

In fact, there was a three-some going on as she also had a Mallard boyfriend who kept trying to chase off the Red-Crested Pochard.  Here they have become temporary friends as they line up at the edge of the water in order to beg for food from some tourists who were throwing titbits at the ducks that had swum over to them.

 A couple of Mute swans were also hanging around in this area of the lake.

One of the swans stood up and stretched it's majestic wings.

A Cormorant was fishing at the far end of the Long Water, near the fountains at the Italian Garden.  I managed to get a close-up of it when it surfaced for longer than a few seconds.  What a great-coloured eye and I love the pattern of the markings on the body and the splayed tail feathers.

On a raft at the other end of the park, near the Serpentine cafe, a juvenile Mute swan was resting it's head on it's body.

I disturbed it when I stood nearby taking photographs - so it sat up and showed me it's very cute face.

Just before I left the park, I came across white Mallard drake that was having a swim at the end of the Serpentine.

I left the park via the rose garden where I found a tree full of green Rose-Ringed Parakeets, one of which was eating from a bird feeder meant for the small birds that live in the park.  There were two bird feeders on the tree and a very, very naughty grey squirrel was doing acrobatics by hanging upside-down with it's tail wrapped round one of the tree's branches while holding onto the other feeder with it's front paws and stealing food from it.  Bad squirrel!!!!

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