Sunday 18 March 2018

Sunny birding walk in Hyde Park

A few weeks ago my camera took me for a walk in the sunshine - hard to believe with the miserable, dull, snowy weather that London is having to put up with at the moment.  Anyway, we went for a walk round the Serpentine lake in Hyde Park. 

There we saw a pair of Gadwalls.

A large Greylag goose with a strange white patchy face.

Maybe it is a hybrid goose?  Does anyone have any clues?

An Egyptian goose was enjoying the sunshine at the edge of the lake.

A juvenile Herring gull was floating around in the water.

A Black-headed gull was enjoying drifting around on the air currents - it was quite a windy day.

Another Black-headed gull was enjoying telling all the other birds off!

This Black-headed gull was just enjoying minding it's own business and floating around in the water.

Near the cafe half way along the Serpentine I came across this Starling standing on the edge of a large plant container and admiring all the flowers.

Another Starling was posing while hanging onto the edge of the curved railings.

In fact several Starlings were hanging onto the top of the curved railings by the cafe.

At the end of the lake, near the other cafe by the Serpentine, there was a group of three Mallards - two drakes (one white, one with normal colouring) and one female.  They always hang around together and I have seen them before on other walks round the Serpentine.

When I was leaving the park via the flower garden I came across a robin standing on top of a bench and enjoying the sunshine.

It then flew onto a branch in a nearby flowering shrub and tried to hide from me.

It was not at all afraid and eventually landed on the ground in front of the bench and posed very nicely in the sunshine.

I am now looking forward to more sunny days!

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