Tuesday 1 August 2017

St. James's Park wildlife walk - 26th May

My camera and I took another walk round the lake in London's St. James's Park on 26th May, which was a great sunny day.

I first encountered four young cygnets sitting with their parents in the shade under a tree with low branches.

Out in the sunshine on the lake were a couple of Red-Crested Pochards - mum and dad - with their three young ducklings.

At the edge of the lake was this rather pretty Bar-headed goose.

Swimming around nearby was a family of Greylag Geese with their young goslings.

When they swam off they formed the correct travelling position with the goslings sandwiched in the centre between the adult geese.

Watching from the bank were Mr. and Mrs. Tufted Duck.  What great beady yellow eyes they have.

Wandering around in the shade further round the park were five goslings with their parent adult Greylag Geese.

Also in the shade I came across a grey squirrel in the daisy-covered grass.  It stopped for a snack and was hit for a few moments by a shaft of bright sunlight, which showed up the red-colour in it's grey coat.

This is the usual view I get with most of my squirrel photos - it's backside!!  Either that or a blurry mass as it quickly hopped out of view.

Back out on the lake I came across a Canada Goose with a companion that had a partly leucistic face.

I think this Canada Goose looks very sweet with it's strange white patchy face.

A rather lovely-looking Goldeneye drake was swimming near the little gingerbread house on the other side of the lake.

As I walked further round the lake I came across an angry black swan, which was causing chaos by chasing a Canada Goose that quickly took flight in order to get away.  It also disturbed a pigeon with it's noise.

On the grass near the lake there was another Greylag Goose family.  What cute fluffy goslings these are!

I love this gosling's little wings.

There were several Greylag families in this area - all sheltering from the heat in the shrubbery under the trees.

As usual, most of their time was spent eating.

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