Saturday 5 August 2017

Ducks, geese and black swans - wildlife walk in Regent's Park at the end of May

Towards the end of May, on a very sunny day, my camera and I went for a wildlife walk in Regent's Park.

A juvenile Egyptian gosling was parading around in the daisies at the edge of the lake.

There were several juvenile Egyptian goslings running around on the grass.

A Canada goose was sunning itself amongst hundreds of daisies.

A young Egyptian gosling was running around on the path.

It had got a great hair-style, with it's feathers blowing around a little in the wind.

In another part of the park where the waterfowl collection lives, a female Eider duck was persecuting another female Eider duck.

An Eider drake came between them and ran off with one of the females.

In the foreground is female Eurasian Wigeon with her boyfriend.  In the background are a couple of Ringed Teal.

This is a Chiloe Wigeon with a bright iridescent head.

Here is a large Red-breasted goose.

It took me quite a bit of internet searching to discover that this is a Rosybill Pochard.

As I was watching the birds on a little island in the lake, a male Common Shelduck suddenly flew up into the air and chased after a large Grey Heron.  The heron came back a little later and the same thing happened and it was chased away by the Shelduck.  Then a saw the reason for this behaviour.  Not far away there was a female Shelduck with two little Shelduck babies.  Dad was obviously protecting his brood from the big bad Heron!  Unfortunately, the flight fight happened too quickly for me to get any photographs and the mother and babies were too far away to get any clear photographs.

Dad Shelduck is on the look-out while mum Shelduck and the ducklings try to get some rest.

Mr. Shelduck was on guard duty - looking right, looking left, looking right again, etc. - and ready to scare off any intruders.

I think that the standing bird is a Pink-footed goose.  The sitting bird is a Barnacle goose.

A male Wood duck was swimming behind his pale leucistic partner - a female Wood duck.

A male Northern Shoveler was swimming behind his partner - a female Northern Shoveler.

Prison visiting time!  A pair of Coots have a chat between the railings.

Two pairs of male and female Northern Pintails were spending a pleasant afternoon on the lake.

I later wandered over to the pond in Regent's Park's Inner Circle where I came across a Grey Heron and a male Mandarin duck standing on a structure in the lake.

A Mallard couple were drinking from a rather dirty-looking pool on the footpath near the rose garden.

Back at the pond I came across a pair of Black Swans under a willow tree - one sitting on the bank and the other having a swim.

The swan on the bank gave me a stare - I think it was trying to tell me to go away and leave it in peace.

Back on the main lake I saw this rather handsome Gadwall drake.

He swam off majestically with his mate.  She was looking a tad windblown!

My final photograph from this walk in Regent's Park is of a Red-crested Pochard and a much larger Canada goose.

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