Thursday 4 August 2016

Egyptian Geese changing places on a post

I love walking round the lakes in London's parks and taking photographs of any wildlife I see that interests me.  Last weekend, one stop gave me the opportunity to take some photos of Egyptian geese changing place on a post near the edge of the water.

Here is Goose No. 1 standing on top of the wooden post and minding it's own business.

Then Goose No. 2 flew in and hustled Goose No 1 from the top of the post.  On the right-hand side of the photo, it is No. 2 arriving and not No. 1 falling off the post - though I think it looks more like that!

Due to my inept photography skills, I only got part of the new arrival and only a blurred foot and a wing tip remains of the departing goose on the left of the picture.  Never mind.  They say that practise makes perfect, but I am not sure that applies in my case.  I am trying hard though, with so many photographs now on my computer that I can hardly cope with them.

Now the photograph below shows Goose No. 2 proudly standing on the post that it has just pinched from Goose No. 1.

Also, on another post (there was a row of wooden posts in the lake), there was a Black-Faced Gull with a brown face.  I don't know what that means - maybe someone can tell me?

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