Monday 18 July 2016

Three teenage Egyptian goslings, plus parent

It was sunny and hot on Sunday afternoon and I made a bit of a mistake by going for a walk in a large London park.  It was choc-a-bloc with people, of course, and quite unpleasant - but I was there and so made the best of it.

I was on the look-out for wildlife and enjoyed watching a parent Egyptian Goose with three young goslings.

One made itself look very pretty by floating into the centre of some greenery.  It actually attempted to eat this, but was very unsuccessful.

It's siblings were doing the sensible thing and were eating at the water's edge.  They paid no attention at all to the people on the bank who were watching them.

The swimming Egyptian gosling gave up and joined the rest of the family at the edge of the water.  I think it is shown in the photograph below, but can't be sure as all three of them look very similar.

Mum, or maybe it was dad, was with them and also enjoying food and drink at the water's edge cafe.

Below is a photograph of the three youngsters, two of them still eating, and the parent.  Not long after I took this photograph, the whole family swam off across the lake.

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