Friday 22 July 2016

Gaggle of Greylag goslings on the lake

Towards the end of my walk around the lake in Hyde Park last Sunday, I was treated to the spectacle of a huge family group of Greylag Geese or, should I say, several families of Greylag Geese.  There were at least four parents and several baby-sitters, plus smallish goslings and a gang of almost grown-up goslings.

Here are some of them sailing along the Serpentine.  Apologies for the standard of the photo - the sun was shining, for a change, and the geese were not in the right location for a good shot.  I wish I could have asked them to pose in a better place!

When they had finished sailing around, they floated around in a mass of geese - I believe the group name is a gaggle of geese and they certainly formed a gaggle.

Below is, presumably, a parent with four of the smaller goslings.  They are all looking a bit haughty!

There were a number of adult Greylags in the gaggle and it was impossible to work out which ones were the actual parents of any of the goslings.

These are the larger goslings, now looking almost adult.

All the geese and goslings swam around on the lake for some time, then they all disappeared in a line into the shrubbery on the small island in the centre of the lake.

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