Tuesday 19 December 2023

Third - and last - visit to Brownsea Island during my week long stay in Poole in October

While in the queue waiting for the Brownsea Island ferry, I watched these Sea Cadets bravely working on the rigging of their tall ship

First stop on the island was to see a Red Squirrel eating chestnuts on top of a sawn-off tree trunk

The tall ship with the Sea Cadets sailed round the edge of Brownsea Island lagoon while I was in a bird hide

Feisty Spoonbills were flying around and landing in the Tamarisk tree

The Brownsea Island ferry went past the Spoonbills in the lagoon

A few Spoonbills with lots of Oystercatchers in the distance

The boat that I travelled on during my Birds of Poole Harbour tour sailed past the Spoonbills

A few Curlews and a couple of Shelduck were standing around in the distance

The large group of Spoonbills flew to the far edge of the lagoon

The Lily Pond in the centre of the island

Interesting shapes on the carved wooden seats at either side of a swing in the woodland

Dredger working hard in the harbour

Pretty tree with some red leaves on the path at the southern end of the island

I watched a Pheasant ignoring the Brownsea Island tour bus

Then back to Red Squirrel watching!

Time to leave the island and I stared longingly at the holiday homes by the landing area

Great White Egret was fishing again near the landing stage

Goodbye Brownsea Island - I hope to visit again next year!

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