Wednesday 19 December 2018

Birds on a rowan tree in Kensington Gardens

During November my camera and I went for a couple of walks in Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens.  I spent several hours lurking near a rowan tree that was covered with lots of bunches of red berries, hoping that the birds would not spot me near their tree.

With patience I managed to take photographs of the following birds:

A Jay hanging upside-down as it reached for a small bunch of berries

A Starling with a berry at the end of it's beak

A male Blackbird reaching out towards a small bunch of berries

A Blackbird with a berry in it's beak

A Magpie contemplating the world while sitting amongst a huge amount of bunches of rowan berries

A close-up of a Jay sitting on a branch where there were hardly any berries left

A Mistle Thrush reaching out towards a huge bunch of berries

A Mistle Thrush staring into space while perching amongst the berries

A Wood Pigeon was looking around searching for more berries

A Redwing was wondering why there were so few berries left on the tree!

Needless to say, this is just a small selection of the photographs I took while getting cold near the rowan tree!

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