Thursday 29 November 2018

Greylag Goose with large piece of French bread being followed in Hyde Park

The last time my camera took me for a walk round the Serpentine in Hyde Park, on Sunday, I saw a Greylag goose with a large piece of French bread in it's beak.  This caused a lot of interest from the other geese in the area and ended up with a game of pass-the-parcel!

A Canada goose was closely following the Greylag.

The Greylag was quickly surrounded by other hungry geese.

The goose managed to stop off for a quick bite, but was being pursued by a Canada goose.

The Canada goose managed to steal the bread, but it was soon it was harassed by a young gull, who managed to get the largest piece.  Meanwhile two Greylag geese were having a loud argument.

Then it was time for the Canada goose to get into action and try to get the large piece of bread back.

The young gull managed to hang onto it.

No, it was back in the Canada's beak.

Not for long - a Greylag was running off with the spoils stuck onto the end of it's beak.

Time to get a quick bite before someone else grabbed the bread.

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