Friday 5 January 2018

Christmas Eve - Toulouse geese in Exeter

This Christmas I went with a group of friends to Exeter and on Christmas Eve, went for a morning walk with some of them.  We went down to the Quay and walked along the River Exe as far as the first bridge, where we crossed over the river and then walked back to the Quay.  At the end of the walk I was sitting with three of my friends outside a cafe overlooking the river.  My coffee had just arrived when I saw a group of white domestic geese on the river, so I grabbed my camera and left my coffee to go cold while I took some photos.

There were also some geese with brown feathers and, when I got back home after Christmas, I looked them up on the internet.  I believe that they were Toulouse geese.

This pair look very snooty - swimming along with their beaks in the air.

 Before lunch on Christmas Day I went back down to the river with a friend.  This time the geese were having a Christmas party on the towpath.  They were honking and honking and honking and honking!

This pair looked like a courting couple.  They were getting quite friendly and, maybe, exchanging Christmas kisses.  Where's the mistletoe?

Their friends were giving admiring glances to the river.

Other friends were more keen on the grassy bank.

Here are two goose-stepping white geese!

I love the pose of this big fat goose-stepping goose.  I thought he looked like a vicar getting ready to read the Christmas sermon.

The congregation came waddling along the towpath.

Some of the geese then decided to go for a swim.

This goose was not sure what I was up to, crouching down by it.  It gave me the evil eye before waddling off to join its friends in the water.

I got another unfriendly stare from this big white goose.  I have never seen this type of goose before, so I was quite thrilled.  It made a nice change from the hundreds of mute swans that are found on the river Exe in Exeter.

Eventually most of the gang jumped into the river and swam off - probably heading somewhere exciting for Christmas lunch.

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