Wednesday 28 June 2017

May blossom, birds and architecture - Battersea Park and the Thames

During the first week in May, my camera and I went for a walk in Battersea Park.  Unfortunately, this time we were unlucky with wildlife spotting.  There were only a few of the usual suspects around.

A heron was clinging for dear life onto a set of railings.

A mallard drake was lurking near the edge of the lake.

A female mallard was doing the same.

Luckily, however, there were lovely blossoms on the trees.  Below are a couple of Jacaranda trees that blend into one and looked absolutely wonderful.  The photograph does not justice at all to the amazing sight of these trees in full bloom.

On the path near the lake was this shrub covered with white blossoms.  Unfortunately, I do not know what it is called.  It looked very pretty in the sunshine.

The wildlife situation was so bad that I was reduced to taking this photo of a carrion crow sitting on a branch by the river Thames.  In the background is Chelsea Bridge and the tower of the water pumping station across the river in Pimlico/Victoria.

This time I went to investigate the new area that is now open in front of Battersea Power Station.  There were a couple of mallards standing on the wall opposite the water pumping station.  I think that they were waiting for a ferry to come and pick them up!

I loved the back view of their heads.  Here is the female mallard.

What a great iridescent green head this mallard drake has.

A huge man-made bird flew over the new glass greenhouse flats next to Battersea Power Station.

The new pink Nova building in Victoria can be seen at the right-hand side of the photograph below.

Here is a view of the very tall tower in Vauxhall, with the amazingly-shaped buildings behind.

Across the river, in Pimlico, fancy trees are painted at the top of this block of flats.

I crossed over Chelsea Bridge and walked along the other side of the river.  Below is a photograph of Battersea Power Station and the horrible new flats next to it.

There a lots of trees along the side of the river and I liked the view of the Power Station seen through the over-hanging branches.

A very disappointing day for wildlife - but good for Spring blossoms and architecture!

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