Friday 2 June 2017

Mandarin, Gadwall and hybrid ducks and Spring blossom on an April walk in Battersea Park

In early April I went for another long walk with my camera round the lake in London's Battersea Park.  The Spring blossom was looking very pretty.  Here is a bush covered with white blossom.  I don't know what it is so, if anyone recognises it, can they please let me know.

The hybrid mallard drake that I saw during my previous walk in the park in mid-March was still there.  Here he is swimming in the lake with a couple of coots.

The pink cherry blossom was looking spectacular on this large tree that was growing near the path that meanders round the lake.

A Gadwall couple were dipping their beaks in the water and gathering up whatever Gadwalls can find in there.

I had to photograph them through bare stalks as that was where the ducks were inconveniently located near the edge of the lake.

I have to say that April was a very pretty time of the year in which to visit the park.  This is the central part of the lake and it is surrounded by trees.

On the other side of this part of the lake, in the distance, I could see some ducks sheltering underneath a large tree.  When I cropped the photo, I realised that they were Northern Shovellers - male on the left and female flapping her wings on the right.

A little further on, a Canada goose was chasing another Canada goose.  I don't know if they were a couple or just one being very unfriendly towards the other.  A little later they seemed to be travelling together in a much friendlier manner - so maybe they were a couple?

On the last leg of my walk, to my great joy, I saw a pair of Mandarin ducks.  This is the very colourful drake, his fancy feathers shimmering in the late afternoon sunshine.

This is the very beautiful and sweet-looking female Mandarin duck.

The couple were swimming quite close to the edge of the water, so I managed to get quite a few fairly close-up photographs for a change.  However, I had to stand/crouch quite still as, if I moved, they tended to swim away from me.  They make a very handsome couple.

I think this is a very sweet picture of Mr and Mrs Mandarin.

It was a very nice walk.  I loved seeing all the pretty Spring blossoms in the park mixed with some great wildlife.  My camera is very good at persuading me to go walking these days!

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