Friday 11 October 2024

Birds by the lake and flowers in the Old English Garden - Battersea Park - 28th September 2024

There were plenty of Mandarin drakes wearing their fancy breeding feathers

Several drakes surrounded a female

A Robin didn't mind having its photograph taken while it perched on railings

I went to the Herb Garden for the first time and found these strange dangling flowers

I also saw a multi-coloured Nasturtium flower

I then went to the Old English Garden and found a bee in the centre of this white flower

Lots of Marguerites in the sunshine

Beautiful yellow flowers

Green Rose-ringed Parakeet was stripping fluffy pieces from the Cardoon seed heads

Lovely red berries on top of a pergola

A pair of Egyptian geese were standing at the edge of the lake

I came across both Mute Swans during my walk round the lake

Holly berries - ready for Christmas!

A Sweetgum tree was covered with russet coloured leaves and large seed pods

A Magpie was mooching around in the sunshine

A Grey Heron landed in the middle of pigeons that were feeding on the ground

Tufted drake with a piece of soggy bread

Grey Heron standing on a low branch overhanging the lake


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