Monday 2 September 2024

Butterflies, dragonflies, damselflies and birds - walk round Whitlingham Country Park in mid August 2024

My sister and I had just been ferried across the river from Thorpe St Andrew to Whitlingham Country Park in the low rowing boat as the motor boat would not start.

View of the ferry, boats and cafe

Female Ruddy Darter dragonfly on a leaf

Male Common Blue damselfly clinging to a dried grass stem

Black-tailed Skimmer dragonfly resting on the path

Great Crested Grebe swimming in the water of the Great Broad

Distant Great Crested Grebe, Mute Swan and flying Cormorant

Arrowhead aquatic plant and a pair of mating Common Blue damselflies

Piebald Carrion Crow panting in the heat at the top of a tree

There were lots of butterflies on the plants near the edge of the Great Broad
Comma Butterfly on a leaf

White butterfly on a flower

Red Admiral butterfly on Hemp Agrimony flowers

Holly Blue butterfly

Gatekeeper butterfly

Thorpe St Andrew's church tower and the new bird hide on the other side of the Great Broad

Thorpe Tower showing above the trees on the other side of the water

Group of Egyptian geese

Dark-coloured Mallard resting on grass at the edge of the river

Mute Swan family on Little Broad

Female Common Blue damselfly partly hidden by a large leaf

Purple Loosestrife flowers in front of the new bird hide

Very well-disguised dragonfly!

Back at the ferry point at the edge of the river in Whitlingham Country Park and waiting for the ferry man to collect us - this time in the motor boat, thank goodness!

We stopped at the cafe for a cold drink and a chicken joined us on the table!

The chicken had a friend!  They went to visit another table where cake was on offer!


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