Tuesday 28 November 2023

First October visit to see the wildlife on Brownsea Island during my week long stay in Poole

I stayed in Poole for a week at the beginning of October and below is a selection of the wildlife that I saw during my first visit of the week to Brownsea Island.

Redshank wading through the shallow water of the lagoon 

Avocets in flight

Close-up of an Avocet that was wading just in front of the bird hide

A new bird hide is being built at the edge of the lagoon and closer to the visitor centre

Windblown Peacock

Peahen and two Peachicks wandered across the grass

Very distant Treecreeper on the side of a tree that was on the opposite side of the lily pond to where I was standing

Grey Wagtail in the lily pond

Nuthatch in vegetation near the lily pond in the middle of the island

The only sighting during the day of a Red Squirrel - behind bars!!

A row of Spoonbills in the distance

A row of Oystercatchers in the distance

Yet more Spoonbills in the distance at the edge of the lagoon

Curious Pied Wagtail

Greenshank with a snack

Greenshank on walk-about

Peacock, Peahen and Peachicks on path near the church

Peachick getting ready to jump off the wall

and it jumped!

Peacock just leaving after the church service!

Peacock relaxing in the sunshine

Little Egret fishing from a chain near the landing stage

I had a great time on Brownsea Island - arriving on the first ferry, 10.00, from Poole and leaving on the last ferry at 17.00.  This was the first of my visits to the island during my stay in Poole.


Monday 20 November 2023

Birds at Holes Bay, Upton Country Park, near Poole, Dorset

In early October I spent a week in Poole and, on my first day, visited Upton Country Park.  I walked back into Poole from the park and, on my way, saw the following birds from the bird hide at the edge of Holes Bay.

Lots of Black-tailed Godwits took flight

A Curlew waded through the shallow water

Several Redshanks were feeding in the distance

As I walked along the path at the edge of Holes Bay, some ducks took flight

A view of the railway line that crosses Holes Bay


Friday 17 November 2023

Lovely flowers at Upton Country Park, near Poole, Dorset, in October

 I spent a week in Poole during October and, on the first day, I visited Upton Country Park.  Below are photographs of the house and some of the beautiful flowers in the Walled Garden.

Front view of Upton House

Rear view of Upton House

Beautiful Orchid


View of a corner in the Walled Garden

Wonderful mauve/white Dahlia

Purple berries on a shrub

Robin perching on a shrub with hanging flowers


Lovely hanging flowers - I don't know what they are called

Frilly Dahlias

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Birds seen during a walk round RSPB Rainham Marshes at the beginning of October 2023

I visited RSPB Rainham Marshes on 4th October and enjoyed a lovely birding walk round the reserve.

The Lapwings were disturbed, probably by a bird of prey, and flew around above a multitude of Black-tailed Godwits

Small selection of Black-tailed Godwits standing in the lagoon with a couple of Lapwings

The Lapwings were flying around in the air above the many Black-tailed Godwits that were standing in the lagoon

A family of Mute Swans was cruising along the lagoon in front of the many electricity pylons that are in the area

It was great to see a couple of Ruffs looking for food on an island in the lagoon

Here there are three well-disguised Ruffs and a Pied Wagtail

The reserve was full of Little Egrets - these two were avoiding one another on the left-hand side of the lagoon

Another two Little Egrets were standing by dark foliage on the right-hand side of the lagoon

A large group of Starlings were blocking the path leading to a bird hide

Friday 3 November 2023

Birds and wildlife at RSPB Rye Meads at the end of September

I visited RSPB Rye Meads in Hertfordshire again towards the end of September.  Below are photographs of the birds and wildlife that I saw during that visit - including my first Water Vole!

White Domestic duck

Female Common Darter dragonfly
Green Sandpiper

Grey Heron and Little Egret

Little Egret with lovely yellow foot and reflection

Green Sandpiper with an itch

Little Egret moving on - watched by a Grey Heron

Little Egret standing tall behind a Green Sandpiper

Dance manoeuvres by a Little Egret

Emerald damselfly on red Hawthorn berries

View over the lagoon from one of the bird hides

Paddling Little Grebe

Comma butterfly

Male Common Darter dragonfly

Close view of Little Egret balancing on a horizontal beam

Great White Egret inspecting a pair of Gadwall ducks

Great White Egret stretching out its long long neck

Great White Egret picking up stick near a drinking Canada goose

My first ever sighting of a lovely Water Vole