Tuesday 31 October 2023

Birding walk in Walthamstow Wetlands during late September

I went for another birding walk in Walthamstow Wetlands towards the end of September.  There were lots of young Great Crested Grebes with striped heads on several of the reservoirs, plus other birds.

Juvenile Great Crested Grebe

Light-coloured Egyptian Goose

Juvenile Pied Wagtail at the eddge of a reservoir

Little Egret looking for lunch

Electricity pylons at the edge of the Wetlands, with Little Egret and other birds on the reservoir

Adult Great Crested Grebe

Another juvenile Great Crested Grebe

Adult Pied Wagtail

Adult Mute Swan followed by three juvenile cygnets, including two white "Polish" cygnets

Mute Swan, presumably dad, sailing across the reservoir in order to join his family

One reservoir was almost covered with Tufted ducks

Male Tufted duck

Yet another juvenile Great Crested Grebe

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