Friday 29 September 2023

August birding walk with squabbling Kingfishers in Walthamstow Wetlands

During early August I went for a birdwatching walk in Walthamstow Wetlands.  Below are photographs of some of the wildlife that I saw during my visit.

I believe that this is a Cetti's Warbler - my first ever photo of one if I am correct

Great Crested Grebe

Two juvenile Kingfishers - one with a fish that the other wanted, so there was some squabbling and a change of fish owner!

Grey Heron - also with a fish

Common Tern on a post in front of an island in the centre of a reservoir

Great Crested Grebe with a striped juvenile

Little Egret towards the top of a tree on one of the islands

Two juvenile cygnets - one of which is a "Polish" version with white feathers

Thursday 28 September 2023

August wildlife and flowers in Battersea Park

 At the beginning of August I went for a walk in Battersea Park, London, where I saw the following wildlife and flowers.

Female Mallard with young ducklings


Mandarin drake in eclipse

Juvenile Grey Heron with a snack

Great Crested Grebe flapping a wing and foot

Red Admiral butterfly

Various flowers in the Old English Garden

Holly Blue butterfly

Sunday 17 September 2023

Birding visit to Bempton Cliffs in July, plus two boat trips on the Yorkshire Belle

I revisited Bempton Cliffs in July, staying in a lovely B&B in Bempton Village.  On my first day, I visited Bridlington in order to go along the coast to Bempton Cliffs aboard the Yorkshire Belle.

Three Redshanks in Bridlington Harbour at low tide - seen during a morning walk before the boat sailed

View of the cliffs at Flamborough Head while sailing on the Yorkshire Belle

Guillemots and Puffins fleeing from the boat

Gannets living on the side of the cliffs

The next day I visited RSPB Bempton Cliffs and walked along the edge of the cliffs inside the reserve

Juvenile Gannet with black wing tips 

Adult male Gannet gathering grass to add to the nest

Adult female Gannet with fluffy Guga (baby Gannet)

Kittiwakes and Puffins on the sheer cliff face

Bridled Guillemot calling to a partner

Pair of Guillemots with young jumpling - called this as, when old enough, it will jump into the sea

Assorted Northern Gannets gliding on the wind at the top of the cliffs

Hare with long ears - viewed from the window of my B&B in Bempton

My second voyage on the Yorkshire Belle was an RSPB organised Gannet Diving trip.

On the way from Bridling to Bempton, I saw a Puffin with a beak full of Sand Eels

A Fulmar joined the Gannets when staff on board the boat started throwing fish into the water

Gannets slowly flew round the boat as fish was being thrown overboard

More and more Gannets started flying round the boat as we sailed round in circles not far from the cliffs

There was a feeding frenzy as groups of Gannets tried to capture a fish

A Kittiwake joined a small group of Gannets that were trying to pick up an easy meal

Later in the week I visited RSPB Bempton Cliffs again in order to do some more birdwatching.

During my walk to the reserve along Cliff Lane, I spotted a Yelllowhammer on top of a farm building

At the reserve, a Tree Sparrow was gathering nesting materal

Apart from seeing lots of Gannets and Kittiwakes, I managed to find a Fulmar with a fluffy chick

A Puffin standing on a ledge at the edge of a cliff was joined by a flapping Guillemot

This is one of the very few Razorbills that were still on the cliff - most had already gone out to sea

The Yellowhammer was still on the roof of the farm building and singing during my walk back to the B&B

I again spent a very enjoyable few days in Bempton and hope to visit again next year for more walking and birdwatching.

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Archaeology and wildlife visit to County Meath, Ireland, in July

I spent a very enjoyable week in the County Meath area of Ireland in July on an archaeological tour of the area, but also managing to do a bit a wildlife spotting at the same time.

We visited Monasterboice, where there were some celtic high crosses - the photo below shows just how tall a high cross is!

These are the ruins of Bective Abbey

St Patrick was waiting at the entrance to the Hill of Tara

A Rook was sitting on the tree branch near St Patrick

A couple of baby Swallows were sitting at the entrance to a burial mound on the Hill of Tara

We paid a visit to Newgrange - a huge burial chamber, which you can actually go inside - though no photos were allowed of the inner chamber

Stone high cross in Kells 

Bat escaping up a rubber tyre after being chased by a couple of cats in Kells churchyards

Cat culprit 1

Cat culprit 2

Pied Wagtail

Stone High Cross inside the church at Durrow

Hungry baby Swallows as an adult flies in to feed them on the windowsill outside Clonmacnoise visitor centre

Tall stone round tower at Clonmacnoise

Stone bridge over the River Boyne at Trim

Yellow Steeple at Trim

Trim castle

Hooded Crow on the garden wall in the Battle of the Boyne visitor centre

Stables bar at Slane castle

Slane castle

St Patrick near the ruins and crosses on the Hill of Slane