Thursday 12 January 2023

Birds seen during a recent visit to Rainham Marshes

 I visited RSPB Rainham Marshes in December 2022 on a very overcast day.

I first went to the woodland area and came across Robin Robin hanging about on a branch

There was a real Robin perching in a nearby tree

It started to rain so I sheltered in the Purfleet Hide for some time watching the Snipe and Lapwings

A pair of Pintails were swimming around together in the heavy downpour

When it stopped raining I made my way round the reserve to the Shooting Butts hide where I saw a female Northern Shoveler

On my way back to the Visitor Centre I saw some birds fly into the top of a tree:



Goldfinches above the Fieldfare with part of a Redwing on the left

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