Monday 22 February 2021

Birds, animals, blossom, berries and flowers seen during a recent walk in Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens

 On Saturday my camera and I went for a walk in Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens.

A Black Swan was showing it's supremacy in the Lido swimming pool by making itself appear to be much larger than any of the Mute Swans that happened to be in the area and chasing them, one by one.

A Grey Squirrel was quietly eating while balanced on a tree branch in the shade of the Dell.

A Greenfinch was lurking on a diagonal branch inside a holly bush.

A Grey Heron was taking advantage of a clear view across the Diana Memorial Fountain while it is closed to human visitors.

An angry Gadwall drake was chasing off two Northern Shoveler drakes that had dared to come too close on the Long Water.

A Starling had managed to obtain part of an apple that was being offered to the Green Ring-necked Parakeets in Kensington Gardens and was getting ready to take a big bite out of it.

A Cherry tree was covered with lovely dark pink blossom.

Hellebores (Christmas Roses) were blooming in the Dell.

A Pyracantha shrub was covered with bunches of red berries - also in the Dell.

There were pretty yellow spiked flowers on a Witch Hazel at the back of the Dell.

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