Monday 20 December 2021

Wednesday 6 October 2021

Birds in the Medina estuary at Newport, Isle of Wight, last weekend

I went, with my camera, on a trip to Newport, Isle of Wight, at the weekend and saw the following birds at low tide in the Medina estuary.

Little Egret searching for a snack

Curlew standing on one leg

Preening Domestic duck/Mallard hybrid

Relaxing lady watching a Little Egret

A group of Pied Wagtails were running round a field near the edge of the river, but would not all pose together.


Tuesday 27 July 2021

Wildlife at Attenborough nature reserve near Nottingham

 I recently visited Attenborough nature reserve, near Nottingham, with my camera. 

We were greeted at the entrance by a gaggle of hungry Canada geese, with a few Greylags and ducks for good measure.

A Common Tern was sitting on the edge of a tern raft in the lagoon in front of the visitor centre.

A female Mute Swan and a cygnet were sitting in algae-covered water.

A light-coloured female Mallard was standing in dark water near a weir.

Much to my delight, at the end of a long walk round the reserve, I saw a Great White Egret and a Little Egret standing together in one of the lakes.  It made my day!

Friday 21 May 2021

Mediterranean Gull at RSPB Rye Meads nature reserve - 20th May 2021

 Yesterday my camera and I went to RSPB Rye Meads nature reserve in Hertfordshire - our first visit since September 2019.

It was a very windy day so the birds that I had hoped to see, including Kingfisher and Kestrel, did not put in an appearance while I was there.  However, I was not disappointed as I had the pleasure of my first sighting of a Mediterranean Gull.  There was only one adult present and it was lurking about in the grass on an island in the lagoon in front of the Draper Hide and was with lots of Black-headed Gulls (which really have brown heads).  The Mediterranean Gull was easy to spot as it really did have a black head!

Sunday 14 March 2021

Yesterday's wildlife walk in Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park, plus the cruelty of humans against an innocent juvenile cygnet

Yesterday my camera and I went for a windy walk in Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park.

Redwings were still around in Kensington Gardens and this one was surrounded by fallen twigs.

A Carrion Crow was making a lot of noise from high up in the branch of a large tree.

A Grey Squirrel hopped onto the railings, hoping for a snack.  It was unlucky!

A green Rose-Ringed Parakeet was helping itself to a snack - feeding on the blossoms in a cherry tree.

A pair of Egyptian Geese have taken over one of the heron's nests high up in a tree overlooking the Serpentine.  Any baby goslings they may produce will have a long jump to make when they leave the nest!

A foolish person was throwing slices of bread into the lake - causing lots of bickering amongst the Herring Gulls.

A young male Chaffinch was perching on a branch in the centre of a holly tree.

A female Chaffinch also flew onto the branch and perched there for a little while.

A very acrobatic green Rose-ringed Parakeet was eating from a small bird feeder in the Leaf Yard.

It started raining and a Robin suddenly appeared on a rose bush.

A Black Swan was trying to show authority by chasing after a Mute Swan.  It appeared to be working!

A large rabbit stared at a strolling Jackdaw.

and the cruelty of humans!  
Someone had shot or pierced a young Cygnet with a sharp instrument of some sort.  The park's Wildlife Officer was nearby and waiting for someone from the animal rescue team to come and, hopefully, rescue the cygnet from the lake.  I hope the pointed barb could be easily removed so that the Cygnet would not suffer for too much longer.  Why someone would want to cause unnecessary suffering to this beautiful young swan is absolutely beyond me!  

Thursday 25 February 2021

Birds, crocuses and berries seen during a Sunday stroll in Regent's Park

 I went for a sunny stroll in Regent's Park on Sunday.  Of course, my camera came too.

A Pochard drake was relaxing in the lake until a female plopped into the water and surprised him!

A Magpie was standing amongst a few purple crocuses.

A Garganey drake was watching with indifference while a Coot and a Moorhen took part in a stand-off at the edge of the lake.

There were lots of crocuses in flower at the edge of the park.

A Woodpigeon posed under a canopy of red Pyracantha berries

A rather rotund male Chaffinch was trying to hide within a myriad bare branches.

Two Greenfinches were doing the same!

Monday 22 February 2021

Birds, animals, blossom, berries and flowers seen during a recent walk in Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens

 On Saturday my camera and I went for a walk in Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens.

A Black Swan was showing it's supremacy in the Lido swimming pool by making itself appear to be much larger than any of the Mute Swans that happened to be in the area and chasing them, one by one.

A Grey Squirrel was quietly eating while balanced on a tree branch in the shade of the Dell.

A Greenfinch was lurking on a diagonal branch inside a holly bush.

A Grey Heron was taking advantage of a clear view across the Diana Memorial Fountain while it is closed to human visitors.

An angry Gadwall drake was chasing off two Northern Shoveler drakes that had dared to come too close on the Long Water.

A Starling had managed to obtain part of an apple that was being offered to the Green Ring-necked Parakeets in Kensington Gardens and was getting ready to take a big bite out of it.

A Cherry tree was covered with lovely dark pink blossom.

Hellebores (Christmas Roses) were blooming in the Dell.

A Pyracantha shrub was covered with bunches of red berries - also in the Dell.

There were pretty yellow spiked flowers on a Witch Hazel at the back of the Dell.